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LightAsAFeather's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by LightAsAFeather

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4308560 LightAsAFeather

No bus stop sign. Probably should be removed from map.

via StreetComplete 58.0

open 4324150 LightAsAFeather

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" – Minor/Unclassified Road – via StreetComplete 58.1:

There are two names pointing in that direction.

Attached photo(s):

closed 4203001 Juniorjjrb


via StreetComplete 57.1

Attached photo(s):

GPS Trace:

closed 2287182 tesp

2640 ei ilmeisesti merkitty

open 4199319 LightAsAFeather

Is there really water in between the islets here? Doesn't look like it in the aerial imagery.

open 4188819 LightAsAFeather

Is there an islet here? Something's visible in aerials, but it may be just shoal.

open 4188817 LightAsAFeather

Is this a pier connecting to the islet? Visible in aerial imagery.

open 4188810 LightAsAFeather

Is there a bridge here?

open 4158181 LightAsAFeather

Is the name of this island Kurkisaari or Hietasaari? The data is ambiguous.

closed 4124693 LightAsAFeather

According to this website:
there's supposed to be a cafe/teahouse called Matcha Crew here. Is this correct?

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