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LeoColman's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by LeoColman

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3799245 LeoColman

There is a park here

via StreetComplete 53.0

closed 3637684 LeoColman

4 way traffic lights

via StreetComplete 52.0

closed 3637679 LeoColman

4 way marked

via StreetComplete 52.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 3637680 LeoColman

Street continue on the other side

via StreetComplete 52.0

closed 3586021 LeoColman

Does Fruiterie du Village still exist?

closed 3634362 LeoColman

Ruelle verte

via StreetComplete 51.1

Attached photo(s):

closed 2942545 LeoColman

Unable to answer "Do you have to pay to park here?" for via StreetComplete 37.1:

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