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LaurentB45's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by LaurentB45

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3626691 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 52.0:

Chemin piétonnier autour de e la place

closed 4189267 LaurentB45

Limitation 50 et non 80

via StreetComplete 57.1

open 3956137 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 54.1:

Pas vu. Détruit?

open 4141299 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "How many car lanes does this road have?" – D 434 (Tertiary Road) – via StreetComplete 57.0:

La route semble interrompue et ne plus rejoindre la départementale

closed 4141311 LaurentB45

Passage piéton marqué, pas de feu

via StreetComplete 57.0

closed 3428438 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "Is there a waste basket at this stop?" for via StreetComplete 43.2:

Pas d'arrêt ici. Arrêt Gabereau situé après la courbe.

closed 3428439 LaurentB45

Arrêt de bus Gabereau. Pas d'abri pas de banc pas de poubelle

via StreetComplete 43.2

closed 3969758 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 55.0:

Abri Caddie

closed 3969756 LaurentB45

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 55.0:

Abri Caddie

closed 4227336 LaurentB45

Portail coulissant

via StreetComplete 57.3

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