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Kanenas's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Kanenas

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 455683 Kanenas

Lefka is concidered to be part of "Τοπική Κοινότητα Πύλης" but it is placed outside its borders. Check the node placement or the border line.

closed 139820 Kanenas

motorway_junction, Α/Κ Λουτρών, ref:24Α (If not constructed yet, keep the note for reference)

closed 156063 Chris Makridis

I see in history that this has been changed from having no place tag, to having a place = region, to having a place = island (which is the current value)... I think it is pretty obvious that is not an island. Since no peninsula key has been approved, my fisrt thought would be to remove this and leave the area at the city of methana as is, but I 'd appreciate a second opinion..

closed 462189 Costas K

Η οδός ΖΗΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ από τον κυκλικό κόμβο μέχρι τέλους (στην πλατεία) έχει μονοδρομηθεί και μετατραπεί σε ήπιας κυκλοφορίας με κυβόλιθους (εδω και τουλάχιστον 3 χρόνια) και πηγαίνει μόνο προς τα πάνω. Το ίδιο και η συνέχειά της η ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ.

closed 106122

A/K Egnatias

closed 468891 Kanenas

Should the forest relation here be recreated or the data are trash?

closed 73100 Kanenas

New design of the junction is in contradiction with the old "National Road 2" relation and design. Please check relation and road types on the junction.

closed 467636 Kanenas

Road names "Αποστόλων Πέτρου & Παύλου" and "49 Μαρτύρων" seems like they are messed up along this road.

closed 473888 Kanenas

tourism=attraction --> trash or something else?

open 293345 Kanenas

Fix number of lanes (it has multiple values after the new construction of the road). Also check eastern side of the road for lanes=1 --> lanes=2 towards the roundabout (on both sides). Put both sides in the appropriate relations.