
Kachkaev's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Kachkaev

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The Marylebone meet-up

Hind, that looks cool!

Just to try your service, I’ve made the cake for the next London mapping party there:

It’s missing the 5th slice as I did’t close the area in JOSM and don’t know how to fix it or delete the whole pie.

Hind, how about the feature of adding ref # to slices using osm tags? Global slice id is not the best thing to refer. It would be also a good thing to have an option to refer slices directly using anchors and javascript, e.g. /pie/50#42

Many thanks for this brilliant tool!

London meetup: Logos, Missing Streets, Imagery offsets, XAPI etc

D’oh! I’ve just remembered one more thing after saving the comment, so have to add another one as they are undeletable even right after the submission.

As Harry mentioned, I started my PhD studies recently. The topic of my dissertation has not been defined yet so now I just know the area of my future research: Intelligent Road Transport Systems. I have like half a year for studying, reading, meeting people and at the end I should come up with some idea which will form my topic.

OSM can be associated to transport problems and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and is actually very close to all these things. So if anyone has any superfluous ideas which just came in mind, but there is no time for implementation or further thinking, I will appreciate sharing them with me a lot.


London meetup: Logos, Missing Streets, Imagery offsets, XAPI etc

Guys, I was glad to see you all again!

By the way, Matt finally told that there is a kind of an easter egg in the OSM logo. If you look at the numbers closer, you will see that it is a repeating sequence of


Ones and zeros form a glider figure from Conway’s Life:'s_Life)

By the way, the glider can be also found on hackers’ emblem:

P. S.: Before I knew about the glider from Matt I was vainly trying to find 42 in this “binary code” a couple of times.

Lorem ipsum

It was just a dummy text (See ).

Lorem ipsum

Wow! I didn’t know that this post appeared on main page, I thought It’s my own diary. Sorry, guys, for this spam…