
KNWedytor's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by KNWedytor

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3126919 Mariusz Dykierek

Czy tu są jakieś budynki?

closed 3100037 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Shoe Repair Shop)" for via StreetComplete 41.2:

Punkt mieścił się wewnątrz sklepu, obecnie go tam nie ma.

closed 2921988 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "Are these opening hours for Circle K Express still correct?" for via StreetComplete 37.0:

Zamknięte z powodu budowy Kaufland'u.

closed 2921989 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "Are these opening hours for Circle K (Roof) still correct?" for via StreetComplete 37.0:

Zamknięte z powodu budowy Kaufland'u.

closed 2646454 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Nature Reserve)" for via StreetComplete 31.3:


closed 2418664 zuicz

Tu jest ścieżka rowerowa?

closed 2656531 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Car Wash)" for via StreetComplete 31.3:

Przebudowa centrum handlowego

closed 2505685 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "Are these opening hours for Martes Sport (Sporting Goods Store) still correct?" for via StreetComplete 29.1:

Beebeelandia - bawialnia dla dzieci, otwarte 10-20, 7 dni w tygodniu.

closed 2505728 KNWedytor

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Sklep spożywczy (Convenience Store)?" for via StreetComplete 29.1:


closed 2594656 KNWedytor

"Budynek został wyburzony. "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: building
OSM data version: 2021-02-01T11:34:17Z

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