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Jowan Livingston's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Jowan Livingston

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3102974 Jowan Livingston

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 41.2:

N'existe plus

closed 3106846 Jowan Livingston

Unable to answer "Does La boule d'Or have vegetarian meals on the menu?" for via StreetComplete 41.2:

Y a t'il des repas végétariens?

closed 3518050 Jowan Livingston

Départ de chemin piéton

via StreetComplete 50.2

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closed 3443048 Troupal

Aire de stationnement ou de chaînage à droite en montant.
Parking or chaining area on the right going up.

via StreetComplete 49.0

closed 3443006 Troupal

Aire de stationnement ou de chaînage. Des deux côtés de la voie.

via StreetComplete 49.0

closed 3512075 Jowan Livingston


via StreetComplete 50.1

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closed 3518063 Jowan Livingston

Aire de pique-nique

via StreetComplete 50.2

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open 3518061 Jowan Livingston

Sentier piéton

via StreetComplete 50.2

GPS Trace:

closed 3518047 Jowan Livingston

Bacs de recyclage

via StreetComplete 50.2

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closed 3518044 Jowan Livingston

Table de pique nique

via StreetComplete 50.2

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