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JodaStephen's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by JodaStephen

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3528808 Mex

Pathing and roads looks wrong here

closed 3438562 JodaStephen

Unable to answer "Is there a bench at this stop?" for via StreetComplete 49.0:

No bench here

closed 3456947 JodaStephen

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Road does not exist

closed 3456948 JodaStephen

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Not a building

open 2864115 JodaStephen

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" for via StreetComplete 34.1:

This footpath does not actually exist

open 2864114 JodaStephen

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" for via StreetComplete 34.1:

This section is not actually a footpath

closed 1972505

You can't actually park here right now because fencing has blocked off the car park because they will probably pull down Homebase at some point in the near future.

closed 1972503

the Homebase here has actually closed now for a couple of weeks now. they've already put up fencing around the car park which makes it look like they're going to pull the building down and replace it with something else.

closed 967629

Convenience store

closed 705053

35Coombe gardens