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JoZ3's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by JoZ3

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3519919 JoZ3

este lugar no existe

closed 3495817 JoZ3

Unable to answer "How wide is the road here?" for via StreetComplete 50.1:

Es una entrada

closed 3495824 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 50.1:

Es una vía de una urbanización cerrada

closed 3495830 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 50.1:

Vía dentro de una urbanización cerrada

closed 3466126 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Es una de las entradas, junto a la ruta que está al lado de un conjunto residencial cerrado

closed 3466127 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Es un parqueadero/estacionamiento

closed 3461929 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Esta es la entrada privada a un conjunto de viviendas

closed 3460670 JoZ3

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Entrada a una institución educativa, colegio la Fragua

closed 3459665 JoZ3

"Este lugar no existe"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-11-19T09:11:52Z
POI name: Parque barrios Unidos
POI types: leisure-park

closed 3460604 JoZ3

"Este lugar no existe, es una zona con vegetación natural"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-11-19T09:11:52Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-parking

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