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Jessica Lily's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Jessica Lily

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3568632 Jessica Lily

Unable to answer "Is there an air compressor available here?" for via StreetComplete 50.2:

Det finns inte

closed 3529893 Jessica Lily

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 50.2:

Det verkar den finns inte längre.
it doesn't seem to exist anymore.

Attached photo(s):

open 3530139 Jessica Lily

I've made a node for SmålandsVillan which is a shop which make and sell houses to put on an already existing plot. I'm not sure what tag is appropriate for that.

open 3529926 Jessica Lily

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 50.2:

De har flyttat

Attached photo(s):

open 3529903 Jessica Lily

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 50.2:

De har flyttat

Attached photo(s):

closed 2759831 Jessica Lily

Unable to answer "Do these steps have a ramp? What kind?" for via StreetComplete 33.1:

There are no steps here

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