JBS21's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by JBS21
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
3288694 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for https://osm.org/way/140430382 via StreetComplete 45.1: Prestavba Attached photo(s):
3039613 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Zdravotní středisko Vránova (Doctor)?" for https://osm.org/node/665769079 via StreetComplete 39.1: Neni vyznaceno, je tam mnoho lekaru |
3574273 | JBS21 | Novy dum via StreetComplete 51.0 Attached photo(s):
3706258 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for https://osm.org/node/296562717 via StreetComplete 53.0: Dle objednani Attached photo(s):
3674999 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for https://osm.org/node/4901659921 via StreetComplete 52.1: Jen rodinny dum bez oznaceni Attached photo(s):
3447760 | JBS21 | Schody via StreetComplete 49.2 Attached photo(s):
3370065 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for https://osm.org/way/143089269 via StreetComplete 46.1: Nedostavene, vypada opustene Attached photo(s):
3604424 | JBS21 | Schody - nouzovy vychod ze silnice via StreetComplete 51.1 Attached photo(s):
3730443 | JBS21 | Unable to answer "How many levels above the basement does this building have?" for https://osm.org/way/122807234 via StreetComplete 53.1: Torzo Attached photo(s):
4320034 | JBS21 | Schody via StreetComplete 58.1 Attached photo(s):