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J B Crawford's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by J B Crawford

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 208207 J B Crawford

Some of the paths along here seem to follow the low-flow conveyance channel instead of the actual roads alongside it, and the low-flow channel itself is not mapped. A good source of data on these acequias is maintained by the Conservancy District:

closed 70774 Baloo Uriza

Moved from Mapdust 3076822: Replace "Bernalillo" with "Albuquerque"

closed 201602

Mesa del Sol

closed 182122

Old Town

closed 195065

There is no subway in Albuquerque. And if there ever was to be one it would not originate or end at what is a power transmission substation. Nor, be on a minor artery w/ connection points at secondary, and sub-secondary (alleyways) roads