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InnaSumskaya's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by InnaSumskaya

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2622675 InnaSumskaya

Clarify if there is a road here, please?

closed 2599073 InnaSumskaya

please, inquire turn is allowed from Pegs lane to service road?

closed 2622356 InnaSumskaya

Clarify if there is a way for cars, please?

closed 2621086 InnaSumskaya

please check whether can use this road for cars?

closed 2603694 InnaSumskaya

Could you check this road, there is feedback from the driver, which shows that he could not to drive. Maybe there is some kind of obstacle?

open 2599136 InnaSumskaya

clarify type of this barrier, please.

closed 1881237 InnaSumskaya

Looks like Parking lot was accidently removed.
Need to be fixed.

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