

Mapper since:
December 30, 2021

Ian King is a non-practicing lawyer and business consultant based in Studio City, California. He has also served in the military. He was raised in Encino, California.

He is currently a Senior Advisor with a company that owns and operates real estate holdings such as restaurants, convenience stores, and accountancy companies. He is also the founder and managing partner of Kings Consultants LLC, a crisis management firm. With direction and assistance in this capacity, he has assisted numerous businesses and people in overcoming problems and finding wealth and success.

He is at the helm of Kings Consultants LLC as the owner and Managing Partner. This Crisis Management Firm has been pivotal in aiding numerous organizations and individuals navigate through turbulent times. His exceptional problem-solving and crisis-management skills have made him highly regarded in his field.

His extensive educational background in business and law has been foundational to his success. King completed his Bachelor’s in Political Science at the University of Southern California (USC), followed by a Master of Business Administration. He further honed his legal understanding at the University of San Diego Law School, where he was a Merit Scholar and earned a scholarship covering a significant portion of his tuition fees.

His commendable military service augments Ian Mitchell King’s distinguished career. He served as an Enlisted Infantry Marine and later an LT. in the Navy. His military tenure is marked by numerous accomplishments, including being honored as a Marine Corps Company Honor Man and receiving a meritorious promotion. He also excelled academically in the military, graduating top of his class from the School of Infantry and as an Honor Graduate from the US Navy Officer Candidate School. His roles included serving as a Public Affairs Advisor and a Pentagon Staff Member for the Secretary of Defense.

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