
HermannstadtGeographer's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by HermannstadtGeographer

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Why Search and Rescue Organizations Must Map Out Cellular Phone Towers in OpenStreetMap

richlv Thank you very much. English is not my native language.

My Plan to Create the Big Map of Sibiu – One House at a Time

Because I walk down the street with the satellite imagery and I number down every house.

The Challenge of Creating the Big Map of Sibiu

joost thank you for the advice…. I must agree however my main focus is to correctly map buildings. I can do this quite well even though it takes a lot of time.

The Challenge of Creating the Big Map of Sibiu

Piskvor yes that is my city. I want to map out every single house in the city and create one of the best maps in OSM with my city in it.

Why Search and Rescue Organizations Must Map Out Cellular Phone Towers in OpenStreetMap

Piskvor thanks for sharing this amazing story.

Why Search and Rescue Organizations Must Map Out Cellular Phone Towers in OpenStreetMap

I agree, but there are a lot of cases where authorities have absolutely no idea if the victims were abducted or they were lost. In the case of Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers they even brought in F16s to analyze slight changes in the surface of the Earth that may indicate a recent burial site, however it is very important to keep in mind that nobody wants to deal with these cases because they are extremely expensive and regarding SPOT devices - they are simply expensive and the occasional hiker does not even use such a device most of the time. People just want something that is really not that expensive. There is a very small minority of people that use a GPS or a SPOT device but the fact is that we already have the GPS in our phone so everybody relies on their phone maps most of the time anyway.

I am not arguing that reliance on the cell phone is great but for a lot of people there is no option left. If you ever have the chance to talk to people who work in search and rescue you will soon know that a phone is absolutely critical, even if you are in the middle of nowhere. I am not saying that it is abduction, it is just strange. What I am trying to say in this article is that there is a clear tendency to have more security options embedded into our smartphones and we definitely need to work together in order to do whatever we can in order to provide some extra safety for people that have accidents because accidents happen and when they happen in the woods, things can go very very wrong.