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Growebis's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Growebis

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Can i get some help with adding these damn buildings in Montreal?

I just subscribed to the discussion. im waiting to get any email from them.

Can i get some help with adding these damn buildings in Montreal?

I do appreciate your effort CasGroenigen, i forgot to mention that bing imagery is not correctly aligned, so all the buildings you added are misaligned, also i think adding the buildings of the backyards of houses just makes the map messy in my opinion. Currently as of 2020, its 0.6, -1.54, or you can use Geodesie Quebec satellite because its by default aligned, and then align all the buildings

Can i get some help with adding these damn buildings in Montreal?

To answer you question cbeddow, no, im not using the Rapid editor, im using a special ID editor provided to me by someone, i looked at some of the AI buildings from microsoft on rapid editor, and while they are aligned according to Bing, there is an offset present in Montreal so i would need to adjust every single one of them manually. Also most of them are not detailed to my liking.

To answer your question gtalbot, I dont know if i can help since i didnt get this error at all when i was using the imagery.

Can i get some help with adding these damn buildings in Montreal?

Thanks for the info provided, but wouldn’t importing the building data overlap with already existing building data?

Can i get some help with adding these damn buildings in Montreal?

No, but i don’t have any experience with josm editor, let alone the extension. Also this might be a nitpick, but i like it when the buildings are detailed rather then just rectangles, as most the buildings that I’m mapping are not exactly rectangle, like they are rectangle but they have like something sticking out most of the time.

Most of the buildings that im mapping look something like this.