Giblet's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Giblet
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
4430655 | submitted note from a business:
4101128 | Giblet | These buildings have been torn down and a carwash put in place here. It's not in the imagery yet, but I'll try and get some street level imagery to confirm more precise location before deleting buildings. |
2745447 | north main street bridge appears to have been demolished in some aerial images, verification needed |
4144526 | Giblet | Need to verify where Sherman Ave becomes Upper Sherman Ave. Will check sinage at Veterans Rd |
2326972 | JessAk71 | railway doesnt look like its tagged as abandoned correctly... |
3798667 | Giblet | Downgraded this segment of Reynolds Ln from residential. Imagery doesn't look like it continues, but can't confirm that it's not a track. But based on the quarry road, it's clear there's no residential road there |
3931979 | Mateusz Konieczny | name=Boutique de pièces de moto
shop=spare_parts ? What kind of spare parts? Of car parts? specialized machinery? sailing boats? train models? (see for possible values - though maybe new one is needed) |
3873033 | Giblet | New houses going in here, not yet in imagery. Will try to get some street level imagery soon. |
3723999 | Caleb S | many of the houses in this area are missing |
3807281 | DgSmith67 | this is not the high school. it is the elementary school only |