George Karidis's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by George Karidis
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
3598557 | Tajtrdlik | Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: "Actual name of this café is Coconela". |
2791327 | Gnurpsnewoel | Disputed. I don't think that there is a ferry route from Kerkyra to Gaios/Paxi at the moment. The operator Kerkyra Seaways does not offer offer anymore and also Kamelia Lines moved to Lefkimmi. I checked there websites. This route can be deleted. Any other opinions? |
1294937 | Михаил Свищев | "Посуда из керамики"
1421086 | Funky Buddha | "Island is known best by the name Vidos (Βίδος)"
2804769 | after the uncle(15.08) at 10.38 goes there |
3672504 | George Karidis | Πιλοτική εφαρμογή των κυκλοφοριακών ρυθμίσεων στα Τρία Γεφύρια. / Road changes at the Tria Gefyria junction. Οι δρόμοι έχουν αλλαχθεί σύμφωνα με τα σχέδια. / The roads are already mapped according to the plans. |
2711293 | Nikolaos Rapsomanikis | δεν υπαρχει διευθυνση στο χαρτη Ανδρέα Κάλβου 20 49100 Κερκυρα |
2711277 | Ανδρέα Κάλβου 20 |
1861419 | Marion_Moseby | "SO MANY streets are missing, this is connected with the sqare"