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Public GPS Traces from Geofreund1

by Geofreund1

Bicycle ride Bruchsal - Grötzingen

by Geofreund1

Bicycle ride Bruchsal - Grötzingen

by Geofreund1

Enztalradweg 2 von 2

by Geofreund1

Enztalradweg 1 von 2

by Geofreund1

Survey near Keltern (2 of 2)

by Geofreund1

Survey near Keltern

by Geofreund1

New streets and buildings in Pforzheim

by Geofreund1

Tracks near Nöttingen at new A8 motorway

by Geofreund1

point of interest: new roundabout in Birkenfeld

by Geofreund1

point of interest: new roundabout in Birkenfeld

by Geofreund1

Tracks near new A8

by Geofreund1

Cycletour Keltern Schleemühle

by Geofreund1 in osmand


by Geofreund1

Walk from Wurmberg to Tiefenbronn

by Geofreund1

Rheinfelden walk #2

by Geofreund1

Rheinfelden walk

by Geofreund1

Rheinfelden Schweiz

by Geofreund1

La Cumbrecita - Puerto Naos

by Geofreund1

Tazacorte walk #3

by Geofreund1

Puntagorda - Tijarafe