

Mapper since:
January 04, 2022

Formerly trained in diesel-electric, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for the railways, today I work in the electronics industry as a production engineer, scrubbing BOMs for regulations such as RoHS and REACH(SVHC).

My main interest is in GNU/Debian, internet infrastructure (legacy and block-chains), 3D printing by combining COTS hardware with printed plastics, the local (industrial, manufacturing) supply chain.

My main project is called the Factory 4.0 Open Initiative, LLC. (FourOh-LLC), providing a GNU and OSS service stack to help prepare a production environment migrate towards Industry 4.0. If you are a small shop or a home-based business please join the project and we are going to help install, administer our shared infrastructure. We have no “membership fees”, instead we ask our members to implement the FourOh-LLC service stack for their own purposes - then share some of the resulting capacity with the rest of us in DNS, LDAP, MySQL /PostGRES (high availability) clusters.

OSM is at the core of the FourOh-LLC infrastructure and data warehouse, in combination with Placekey, supply chain data, business logic and other non-proprietary, non-private assets. We are not building just some “products” or “solutions”: we are building THE local talent pool, which may then implement whatever is need.

I am not a programmer or a graphic artist, I cannot contribute to the development of this web or to any other relevant software. I am just a user of all these wonderful tools, and many thanks to all who create, evolve and share them!