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FSHero's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by FSHero

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3951393 FSHero

Unable to answer "Does this pedestrian crossing have an island?" for via StreetComplete 54.1:

No marked crossing

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closed 3951373 FSHero

Unable to answer "What type of bollard is this?" for via StreetComplete 54.1:

No bollard. Only a gate

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closed 3483723 FSHero

There is a Royal Mail postbox inside this Tesco supermarket

via StreetComplete 50.0

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closed 3450349 FSHero

This road is one-way, heading southbound

via StreetComplete 49.2

closed 3450347 FSHero

This is one way, heading northwards

via StreetComplete 49.2

open 3424530 FSHero

There are multiple detached houses here. Will gain more information the next time I visit family here.

via StreetComplete 48.0

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