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Emil Karlson's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Emil Karlson

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1704625 Emil Karlson

Bankok9 and na'am's kitchen should be in the same row as döner harju, lo stretto and hey poke, which are aligned to current aerial photos, kaivokatu crosswalk and fafa's..

closed 1690996 Emil Karlson

Restaurant Piano is supposedly here, see also

closed 1691061 Emil Karlson

Ravintola STU avaa täällä pian

closed 1674426 Emil Karlson

Check, whether the bybike is still there or has it been succeeded by sitycleta, see eg.

closed 1707016 Emil Karlson

Shanghai cowboy may be closed, website says it does not know the restaurant

closed 1706112 Emil Karlson

There should be behnford's here

closed 1675384 Emil Karlson

Do you find toilets here? Do you find Bybike station here, there is supposedly only the Sitycleta station here.

closed 1674399 Emil Karlson

This is supposedly Calle Calvo Sotelo, also street numbers seem to be off see eg.

closed 1684282 Emil Karlson

Is this pizza place a duplicate of nearby kotipizza?

closed 1674424 Emil Karlson

Is the bybike still here, perhaps it's the old citybike system replaced by sitycleta. see