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Emil Bürger's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Emil Bürger

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4242210 Emil Bürger

Signal seems to be mapped twice. Once as lighthouse, once as radar tower. The thing is placed inside the fence, but mapped outside.

via StreetComplete 57.2

closed 4373182 Wolfgang Holtz

In context of overlay "Things" – Gerichtstraße (Bus Stop) – via StreetComplete 58.2:

Weiter südlich, vor Hauseingang nr.90, Unterstand 10m nördlich davon.

closed 3632462 Emil Bürger

Unable to answer "What kind of building entrance is this?" for via StreetComplete 52.0:

Entrance is mapped between two buildings

open 3752852 rai42

Die MBA zwischen Goetheallee und Eggerstedtstraße sowie die Julius-Leber-Str. zwischen Goetheallee und MBA wird bis vsl. Juni 2024 erneuert.

Ich habe die aktuellen Bauabschnitte/Verkehrsreinschränkungen gemappt; die Situation sollte im Nov. 2023 neu geprüft werden (vsl. nächster Bauabschnitt).

Gerichtstraße wird ebenfalls umgebaut, siehe separaten Kommentar.

closed 4322848 Emil Bürger

Unable to answer "Which customers visit this hairdresser?" – The Container Barber (Hairdresser) – via StreetComplete 58.0:

Container with hairdresser got removed

Attached photo(s):

closed 4262098 Emil Bürger

I think office=government would be a more suitable tag for Suojelupoliisi than amenity=police. It's not a police station open for the public.

See also Rajavartiolaitos in Sörnäinen

via StreetComplete 57.2

open 4283469 Emil Bürger

Unable to answer "What kind of building entrance is this?" – via StreetComplete 57.2:

This is not an entrance, but the train station has a roof, which should be mapped separately

open 4260551 keeleleek

Unable to answer "Is drinking water available here? If so, what is its source?" – Drinking Water – via StreetComplete 57.1:

I could not find it

closed 4150075 Emil Bürger

Unable to answer "What kind of building entrance is this?" – via StreetComplete 56.1:

This isn't an entrance to the building, but the building has an overhang here.

closed 4150076 Emil Bürger

Unable to answer "What kind of building entrance is this?" – via StreetComplete 56.1:

There is no entrance to the building here. The building has an overhang. So first floor is building. Ground floor no building.