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EdLoach's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by EdLoach

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4350242 EdLoach

"Kings Local" at same address as the social club has been granted a premises licence. Has the club gone?

open 4350231 EdLoach

The gate that was here to restrict access has moved somewhere. It raises the question as to whether the promenade should be mapped as a footpath, or pedestrian way, or what. Emergency vehicles and council vehicles have access 10am to 6pm. Beach hut owners have access by prior arrangement with council for maintenance.

open 4327279 EdLoach

Empty chip shop to become "Wivenhoe Café and Gallery" due to open early August 2024, according to story in today's paper

open 4322462 EdLoach

Reportedly closed 30th June

open 4316327 TheUKHighStreet

Has Howdens closed here? It doesn't seem to be on their website.

open 4317955 EdLoach

Possibly now called Chestnut Grove Kindergarten. See

closed 1659742

Two new West-facing slip roads under construction.

closed 1909483

No access road except buses

open 4311494 NotACat

Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Cudmore Grove Country Park (Bus Stop) – via StreetComplete 58.0:

I can't see a bus-stop, have they moved it?

open 4308731 Mex

this might be a monument

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