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Echo 3-1's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Echo 3-1

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3424959 Echo 3-1

Unable to answer "How wide is the bicycle path here?" for via StreetComplete 48.0:

da ist die straßenüberquerung also kind of geteilt

closed 3422272 Echo 3-1

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for via StreetComplete 48.0:

das wird die Turnhalle von Lernzentrum hören

closed 3424975 Echo 3-1

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 48.0:

das ist das thw gebäude

closed 3424506 Echo 3-1

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 48.0:

ist das THW habe keinen passenden gebäudenamen in der liste gefunden

closed 3421040 Echo 3-1

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to park here? Parking may be free or paid." for via StreetComplete 48.0:

ist Anwohnerparkplatz