Dyrmann's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Dyrmann
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
4210149 | Dyrmann | Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Canal Street (Bus Stop) – https://osm.org/node/533877927 via StreetComplete 57.1: No longer there |
4210144 | Dyrmann | Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Canal Street (Bus Stop) – https://osm.org/node/533877925 via StreetComplete 57.1: No longer there |
4180245 | Dyrmann | Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" – Tage-Hansens Gade (Bus Stop) – https://osm.org/node/7271766063 via StreetComplete 57.1: Er muligvis flyttet lidt længere op ad Viborgvej |
4105537 | Dyrmann | Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for https://osm.org/node/2130849517 via StreetComplete 56.0: Normal skulle åbne her på hjørnet |
3743861 | TheUKHighStreet | Is this store closed? It isn't listed on the Sophia Webster website
3775068 | Andrew Chadwick | Oxonbikes has been shut down since 2018-08-16. Check their stands on the ground: they may have been repurposed. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/16438945.oxonbikes-shut-with-immediate-effect/ |
3597200 | Mateusz Konieczny | Exclusive Roots shop - their website is gone and https://www.facebook.com/ExclusiveRootsOxford/ was last updated in 2020. Is it existing? |
3484295 | Dyrmann | House nummer is 185 via StreetComplete 50.0 |
3310662 | Dyrmann | Belægning skifter fra asfalt til grus via StreetComplete 45.2 Attached photo(s):
3310664 | Dyrmann | Vej er delt i to sektioner, men bør samles til en via StreetComplete 45.2 |