Dreirik's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Dreirik
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
3034525 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "Does this street have a sidewalk?" for https://osm.org/way/14123581 via StreetComplete 38.2: Is a parking lot Attached photo(s):
3004041 | Dreirik | Spiritual place (christianity) via StreetComplete 38.2 Attached photo(s):
2525030 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "Is this still here? (Waste Basket)" for https://osm.org/node/3647630876 via StreetComplete 29.1: not a rubbish bin but a dog shit bin |
2526056 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "What is the topic of this information board?" for https://osm.org/node/4018475571 via StreetComplete 29.1: advertisement Attached photo(s):
2251847 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "Does the bus stop Böbingen Limesring have a shelter?" for https://osm.org/node/6177340282 via StreetComplete 20.2: the bus stop is just on one side of the street |
2243566 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for https://osm.org/way/763414746 via StreetComplete 20.2: there is no path at the shown location Attached photo(s):
2243567 | Dreirik | Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for https://osm.org/way/763414748 via StreetComplete 20.2: it is metal grid Attached photo(s):
1745501 | Dreirik | otea vez, luz cada 15 metros via StreetComplete 10.2 Attached photo(s):
1745497 | Dreirik | hay muchas luzes aqui, cada 10 metros via StreetComplete 10.2 Attached photo(s):
1841023 | Dreirik | this is no toad but an aquaeduct via StreetComplete 12.2 Attached photo(s):