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Didz's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Didz

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3953010 Didz

Roundabout being constructed here at the moment.

via StreetComplete 54.1

closed 3857362 Didz

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

This is now a newly built 24/7 service station. This needs updating.

closed 3446060 mal's boots

this cycle path to the tunnel under Grand Junction Rd has been shut since Sept 2023 due to a warehouse construction. Instead cross on the West and North pedestrian crossing to access or depart the side road to gets to the north side of the underpass

closed 2591508 kfremd

Hello! It appears that this stadium no longer exists and there is active construction in the area according to aerial imagery and this article: . It is possible that there are new roads and housing developments are being added to this area. Could a local mapper with better knowledge on the construction process confirm this and update the area if possible? That would help out immensely. Thank you!

closed 1831703 CloCkWeRX suggests streets in this area may have altered speed limits.

closed 1831702 CloCkWeRX suggests streets in this area may have altered speed limits.

closed 1831700 CloCkWeRX suggests streets in this area may have altered speed limits.

closed 1831699 CloCkWeRX suggests streets in this area may have altered speed limits.

closed 3485269 Didz

Unable to answer "What kind of crossing is this?" for via StreetComplete 50.0:

Path crosses road, fix.

closed 3486811 Didz

In context of "Street lighting" overlay for via StreetComplete 50.0:

This footpath has a name, needs to be added here.

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