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Der kleine Kartograph's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Der kleine Kartograph

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2649546 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What surface do these steps have here?" for via StreetComplete 31.3:


closed 2605245 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "Do these steps have a ramp? What kind?" for via StreetComplete 31.1:

Hier ist keine Treppe, nur eine Bordsteinstife

closed 2649547 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" for via StreetComplete 31.3:


closed 2600959 luja

Unable to answer "What surface does the road Friedberger Straße have here?" for via StreetComplete 31.0:

Aussen im Kreis Asphalt, Innenkeis Steine, behauen

closed 2605246 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" for via StreetComplete 31.1:

Da ist kein spezieller Weg.

closed 2670628 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 31.3:

Ehemaliger Baumarkt, wird derzeit als Impfzentrum genutzt.

open 2649050 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What is the house number of this building?" for via StreetComplete 31.3:

Gehört zum angrenzenden Gebäude.

open 2607101 Der kleine Kartograph

Unable to answer "What kind of car wash is this?" for via StreetComplete 31.1:

Sowohl automatische Waschstraße als auch manuelle Stationen vorhanden

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