
Deelkar's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Deelkar

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OSM-Wochennotiz Nr.5

Kannst du die Information nicht einfach so hinnehmen, ohne gleich wieder ne Verschwörung zu sehen? Es sind zum Zeitpunkt des Meetings eben ca. 40% gewesen.

JOSM crashed

especially with WMS JOSM can use quite a bit of RAM, are you sure you used the right -Xmx parameter?

Finished off Gateshead + ITO world says it's got problems

More traces...

please make sure you may use the hospital maps as a basis for OSM editing.

Yikes! Flood in Porto!

way #28764142 was reversed coastline, apparently last edited by FilipeOliveira

Yikes! Flood in Porto!

Someone did something very stupid by overwriting London data and moving it to Porto:

The streets are now of course missing from Porto, because the ways have all been reverted to their original state.

The one messing with the data should properly re-enter the data, and all will be fine.

As for the flood, I'm looking into it right now.


FYI: hat die Daten schneller.
warum? siehe wiki tiles@home / Osmarender


Welcher Stadtwald?

first steps in virgin territory

use JOSM, it's more clear what it really does with the data IMHO.

Barbados successfully sunken, #*@!+

sorry, didn't refresh the page. so you managed to do it, but I fixed the coastline to be smaller ways that are easier to manage. (Coastline can cope, Frederik and I designed it that way)

Barbados successfully sunken, #*@!+

DO NOT undo your coastline edit. close potlatch or click the edit tab again. Others have fixed the coastline already.

Hello everybody

This is a FAQ.
In short:
Renderings happen once per week, you just missed the last update.
osmarender layer updates more frequently, check
Search wiki for "FAQ", "Glossary", "Slippy map"


Ein bisschen faul bist du schon, oder?
Warum gehst du im Wiki nicht direkt auf die Entwicklerseiten und schaust einfach mal nach?


Nein die "not in map_features" Tests sind ein paar Monate hinterher.


Wenn du "Potlatch" benutzt hast (Edit tab) dann sollte das deselektieren der ways die Daten in die Datenbank geschrieben haben (es sei denn du warst im Übungsmodus)

Transparenter in der Hinsicht ist JOSM, mit seinem expliziten "upload"-Button.

Friedhof und anderer Kleinkram

Hausnummern, das ist so ziemlich das Detailreichste, was man in OSM mappen kann...

Der letzte weiße Fleck in Bremen verschwindet

There are plenty of white spots left in Bremen.

Second contribution

it's already recorded, you simply need to mark your edits public (permanently)

Multipolygon finally

I just noticed that you are in the Netherlands. The incredibly dense mapping there makes it quite hard to render quickly with osmarender, if at all on smaller Computers.

Multipolygon finally

if you don't edit nodes, it will not be catched by the autorequester, and you have to request the tiles on your own at