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DanGregory's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by DanGregory

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 931439 DanGregory

More detail needed in these buildings. These outlines are not accurate at all.

closed 1013463 DanGregory

Point marked Royal Hospital Haslar - clearly inaccurate as the (former) hospital is to the SW. Have looked into removing this label but can't as there's nothing obvious on the map when editing. Perhaps I'm missing something. Can someone else look into this please?

closed 931421 DanGregory

Poorly-drawn buildings in this area - need re-drawing accurately

closed 931441 DanGregory

More poorly-drawn buildings.

closed 354296

Roussillon Barracks is currently (2015) in the process of redevelopment into residential property.

closed 848743

This BHS store has presumably closed, like all other BHS stores.

closed 612590 Steve Dunx

no toilets here

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