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Crsi's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Crsi

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 415097 bielebog

This road name seems to exist twice, says someone who was there.

closed 4202033 jonnymccullagh


via StreetComplete 57.1

closed 4202025 jonnymccullagh

EV charger by on

via StreetComplete 57.1

closed 4202023 jonnymccullagh


via StreetComplete 57.1

closed 3503942 Þorsteinn Marteinsson

Minnisvarðinn um Frank M. Andrews og Hot Stuf var fluttur á nýjan stað til að auðvelda aðgengi.
The Hot Stuff / Frank M. Andrews Memorial Monument was moved to a new location for easier accsess.
New location: 63.96481, -22.42201

closed 3904937 Crsi

Info table

via StreetComplete 53.3

Attached photo(s):

closed 3904936 Crsi

Mobile network tower

via StreetComplete 53.3

Attached photo(s):

closed 3874875 naught101

is this in the right place? there are no paths anywhere near, and it doesn't show on the satellite

closed 3847994 Crsi

Unable to answer "Does this place have a baby changing table?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Not a toilet outdoors

closed 4344304 Crsi

This is Hringdu, Síminn is one building west of it, is it not?

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