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CoyKoi's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by CoyKoi

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4251888 CoyKoi

new shared path along here


closed 4154764 CoyKoi

development of completed townhouses to be mapped as buildings when imagery is available


closed 3485297 CoyKoi

Newly completed whanau atea - family recreation space. Includes a new playground and basketball court

closed 4576357 CoyKoi

no-take marine reserve around the peninsula


closed 4566098 CoyKoi

this eastern road is the main access road, not the one to the west (signage and locked gate on western road)


closed 4576358 CoyKoi

steps up and down over the little saddle


closed 4149844

Please note windy ridge road turns to the right about half way down. There is no entrance from
Hiwhau place .

closed 4424709 CoyKoi

walkway here


closed 4474837 Āniwaniwa

There's a path here, but it's closed

via StreetComplete 59.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 4415172 CoyKoi

apartment buildings here are complete
