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Mapper since:
February 12, 2013
Last map edit:
June 18, 2023

Casual mapper based out of St. Peters, Missouri. My primary focus at the moment is in St. Charles County, mostly adding in subdivisions (landuse=residential), improving road geometry (Making curves smooth instead of the harsh angles from the TIGER import.), and adding in major missing data where I notice it (Bridges, Parks, Streams, Roads, etc.)

I use JOSM 99% of the time, only moving away from it when I don’t have access to a computer with it installed.

Feel free to shoot me a message with any questions on my edits. I usually try to respond within a day or so.

Planned projects:

I. Fix the broken multipolygons for the cities of:

(The geometries of these cities will also be adjusted to match current county & city records as I work through them.)

  • St. Charles
  • Cottleville
  • O’Fallon
  • Lake St. Louis
  • Wentzville

Completed projects:

St. Peters City Limit multipolygon fix

  • Inner & outer border geometry has been adjusted to match current county & city records.
  • Inner & outer borders have been correctly ordered in the relation (all members now form a complete loop)

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Opening Hours check tool


ITO Speed Limits map