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Citromlé's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Citromlé

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4265951 Citromlé

Unable to answer "What’s the surface firmness of this track?" – Track / Land-Access Road – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Mauvais attribut. C'est un sentier de promenade. Aucun véhicule motoriséne passe.

Attached photo(s):

open 4265917 Citromlé

"Pour vélos"
OSM snapshot date: 2024-04-29T02:50:07Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-car_wash
#organicmaps ios

open 4265916 Citromlé

"Pour vélos"
OSM snapshot date: 2024-04-29T02:50:07Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-compressed_air
#organicmaps ios

open 4265859 Citromlé

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" – La condamine (Holiday Cottage) – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Impossible à dire. Pas d'enseigne visible.

Attached photo(s):

open 4265521 Citromlé

Unable to answer "What surface does this square have?" – Rue Bombecul (Pedestrian Area) – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Revêtement change en cours de route. Entre les maisons : asphalte. Ensuite pavés non taillés.

Attached photo(s):

open 4265492 Citromlé

Unable to answer "What’s the surface here?" – Steps – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Blocs de pierre taillés, rien à voir avec des pavés

Attached photo(s):

open 4265477 Citromlé

Unable to answer "Is there tactile paving at the top and bottom of these steps?" – Steps – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Escaliers inaccessibles car travaux, la solidité est douteuse

Attached photo(s):

open 4265383 Citromlé

Unable to answer "What’s the surface firmness of this track?" – Chemin des Estaffets (Track / Land-Access Road) – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Goudron, voie de service

closed 3414647 Tjiho

Peut-être une friperie ici ?

closed 3993804 Citromlé

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 55.0:

Appartient à la caserne de Gendarmerie. Non résidentiel.

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