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CapitaineMoustache's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by CapitaineMoustache

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Vancouver Island woodland project completed

Great work!😮 The whole island!!! You can rest your hand now.

StreetComplete Overlays

Congratulations on your incredible work! StreetComplete is a wonderful application that I always recommend to new OSM contributors! It’s pretty, smooth, has a sense of progression with those little trophies and is incredibly easy to use. I’m always amazed at how accurately the tags are translated and illustrated and the quests filtered by country, it’s really high precision and so respectful of the OSM communities.

In short, one of the main if not the most indispensable application when one is completely new to OSM but wants to help (and even later when one has become a seasoned contributor).

Thanks again for your work!

A Frenchman with a moustache :{

Renseignons les adresses d'Alès - Fin

Woah, s’attaquer à toute la commune d’Alès, je dis chapeau ! Du boulot bien propre et consciencieux malgré toutes les embuches et ambiguïtés que comporte le travail fastidieux et pourtant si utile de l’adressage !

Je plussoie x1000 ! Bravo !