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Candid Dauth's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Candid Dauth

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4623164 Candid Dauth

This whole area seems to have been rebuilt. The satellite pictures seem to be all outdated. You can get an impression on Google Satellite and parts of Google Street View (some parts still show the old layout). The whole car park is now paid, the access roads have been changed, and it also seems that the bus station has been moved further south-east. Without up-to-date satellite imagery, the place probably needs to be mapped through survey.

open 4335511 Candid Dauth

Track grade5 continus north-west

open 4335505 Candid Dauth

Track grade4 continues north

open 4335498 Candid Dauth

Track grade4 continues east/west

open 4335485 Candid Dauth

Track grade5 continues east/west

closed 4255341 Candid Dauth

Check the house number. This is probably 81, as 85 already exists further north.

closed 4134573 Candid Dauth

Track seems to go north-east here

closed 4134654 Candid Dauth

Track grade5 continues east

open 4322379 Candid Dauth

Track grade5 continues east

open 4322336 Candid Dauth

Track grade5 continues east