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Brainus's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Brainus

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3030311 Brainus

Attention! Traffic calming (really high swell!).

closed 3030312 Brainus

Attention! Traffic calming (really high swell!).

closed 3036613 Brainus

Road is totally blocked by local authorities (02/2022).
Road is eroded by the sea, unsafe and impassable. Here's the second barrier (for pedestrians). Real danger of collapse and death! NO TRESPASSING!

closed 3036614 Brainus

Road is totally blocked by local authorities (02/2022).
Road is eroded by the sea, unsafe and impassable. Here's the second barrier (for pedestrians). Real danger of collapse and death! NO TRESPASSING!

closed 3036615 Brainus

Road is totally blocked by local authorities (02/2022).
Road is eroded by the sea, unsafe and impassable. Here's the first barrier (for cars, motorcycles and bikes). Real danger of collapse and death! KEEP DISTANCE!

closed 3031446 Brainus

zebra crossing

closed 2822225 Brainus

private cistern / (water)reservoir, not a house.

closed 3027996 Brainus

This is NOT a house. It's a (private) garden/court, bordered by a wall. The surface is lava dust, that's why it appears black (like a roof) from above.

closed 3097196 Brainus

Gateway/road is permanently blocked by rocks. Camping site is abandoned and out of service.

closed 3025838 Brainus

It is a dirt road until it reaches the ocean. Surface is dirt/dust/grit/pebbles with MANY road holes, but passable for normal cars with moderate/slow speed. One lane per direction, no lane separator and unsecured road side.

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