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Bob Stein - qiki's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Bob Stein - qiki

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3210138 Bob Stein - qiki

This location is NOT the Duxbury Window Viewpoint. There is no view here. (Interesting steep rocks and roots and pines but few glimpses through the canopy.) The real viewpoint is at a bench about 1000 feet down the trail. 44.36090 N -72.86811 W. The hewn-log bench is dedicated to someone nicknamed "Nutsy". There is a clear view through a gap in the canopy of interstate 89, and heights to the north of the Winooski River.

Judging from the evidence of foot-traffic, lots of people have walked to this "fake" viewpoint which is located slightly off the trail.

closed 3115416 Bob Stein - qiki

Little Salmon River. Not Salman. Salmon.

open 1661707 Bob Stein - qiki

I don't know what number this building is, but it's not 9001 (9001 is the building to the northwest. Added a note there too.).

The pool is next to this building. There may be a few ground-level apartments here, but it's only 1 story.

open 1661706 Bob Stein - qiki

9143 - this building is 9143 SW 77 Ave. It has "9143" over the entrance. It may have once been named "building B" as all apartment numbers start with "B".

open 1661705

9001 (SW 77 Ave)