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Bob Harper's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Bob Harper

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 702904 Bob Harper

There are 'cliffs' here. In actual fact, they're really sand dunes. For another thing, they're traced wrongly so that they 'fall' inland.

Remove them?

closed 563738 Bob Harper

There are a lot of streets (and no doubt other features) to be mapped in Maghera

closed 502307 Bob Harper

Windsor House is closed and currently undergoing redevelopment/part-demolition for a new hotel (target 2018) See I've tagged the landuse area as 'construction', but the building still stands.

closed 221737 ProTofik

First of all, please have a look here:

As you can see, most of north Belfast's streets remind unnamed.

It would take one person weeks to name them all, so I need someone's help. In short, label as many roads as you can.


closed 658710 Bob Harper

Is this post office still operating? I think the one in the nearby Supervalu is the only one about.

closed 500768 Bob Harper

I've removed this carpark as it is no longer in use or accessible to the general public.

closed 713412 Bob Harper

Name of John Bell House

closed 713410 Bob Harper

Dunville Park

closed 790968 Bob Harper

These buildings have been demolished and for that reason were removed preivously. It's currently a construction area. Please don't waste the effort in remapping them.

closed 399270 VictorIE

Is this area land being reclaimed, not a quarry?

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