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Bikebon's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Bikebon

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3160974 Bikebon

Osmand has this as one way BUT the wrong way Needs reversing

via StreetComplete 43.0

closed 2769556 Bikebon

road is marked A272 wrongly and B2102 which is correct

closed 3152652 Bikebon

this road 2 way
osmand wont route through this south to north

open 3147936 Bikebon

this now tarmac up to top of 42.02004° N, 1.32473° W
22nd april 2022
I've just ridden it

closed 2240687 Bikebon

please remove tap
i am member of sailing club
we do not wish members of public to know about this tap