
BharataHS's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by BharataHS

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 662413 BharataHS

Is this street is known as 'Cottage Ridge Court Northeast'?

closed 752839 BharataHS


Can someone with local knowledge clean up this area around as I see some old roads which does not match the recent imagery (2015)?

Thank you.

closed 655131 BharataHS

Has this street been renamed as "Bruce Jenner CT" from 'Hemingway Court' ??

closed 1019616 BharataHS

Is there a Saint Jean Baptist Church around the locality here? if yes, could someone with local knowledge please add it to the map ?

closed 1020953 BharataHS

is there a 'Neil A. Armstrong Jr High School' around the pointer. If yes, could someone with local knowledge please add the suitable tags on to the map?

closed 1023306 BharataHS

Added this as `area=yes` as. Could someone with local knowledge please add this place on map ? Thanks

closed 1019497 BharataHS

Is there a "Taif, Al Juri Mall" around here? If yes, could someone with local knowledge please add the building and the name to the map ?

closed 1027293 BharataHS

Is this Lower 'Lower Ambalipura Lake'? If yes, Can someone with local knowledge please add this to the map?
Thank you

closed 632145 BharataHS

Could anyone confirm that if there is a footpath running from Grand Avenue Street to Princess Drive and continues upto Firle Road?

closed 1020947 BharataHS

Is there a 'Mount Pleasant High School' around the pointer ? If yes, could someone with local knowledge please addd it to the map ?

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