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BR395's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by BR395

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3933414 BR395

Unable to answer "What’s the surface of the sidewalk here?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Wo ist hier der Bürgersteig?

closed 3936706 BR395

Hier wird gebaut.

via StreetComplete 53.3

closed 3936702 BR395

Unable to answer "What kind of parking is this?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Im Bau/ nicht benutzbar durch Baustelle.

closed 3928741 BR395

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Nur "Badegeln".

closed 3927530 BR395

Unable to answer "Are halal products offered here?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:


open 3785292

Die 4 verkehrt planmäßig NICHT über die Gleisschleife Radebeul Ost.

open 3929715 BR395

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Gibt kein Schild?!