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Andrew Chadwick's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Andrew Chadwick

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4342214 Andrew Chadwick

"Saunders Passage" is this in fact the path to the walled garden at the back of ItaliAmo?

closed 4331626 Andrew Chadwick

Is this now a pub again?

closed 4340408

Dubious amenity=parking_entrance? Those are for cars,, but this makes more sense on foot (there are several other ones nearby)

closed 4334262 Andrew Chadwick

Does this car park entrance really exist? Supposedly it's surface level.

Perhaps it is an underground feature or a stairway, but amenity=parking_entrance should not be used for foot/lift entrances (I think?)

closed 4331627 Andrew Chadwick

Does this parking entrance really exist (at street level)?

closed 4331482 Andrew Chadwick

Is there a tourist information centre here (15 Broad Street)? A faded yellow sign at Gloucester Green says so…

Possibly it's seasonal.

closed 4313246 Andrew Chadwick

6 and 7 Northfield Cottages continue the sequence before the University building on the public road

via StreetComplete 58.0

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closed 4313379 Andrew Chadwick

Are these 6 & 7 Northfield Cottages, Wytham?

closed 4100004 Andrew Chadwick

Hydrant plate missing sign

via StreetComplete 56.0

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closed 3817791 isteinbach

Tourist information has moved

via StreetComplete 53.3

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