
Adam Geitgey's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Adam Geitgey

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see my nike shoes !I like it

completely spam


Or buy a new GPS :)

Belarus forested


Yes, it lets you locally cache Yahoo tiles. See:

Google Street Maps

Yes, please don't contaminate OSM with data from Google Street Maps. It defeats the whole purpose of having a free map if it's no longer free.

Remember that many areas of GSM have map traps ( which are errors made on purpose so that the creator of the map can find anyone who copied it.

And like faustolg said, much of Google Street Maps in Latin America is wildly inaccurate. It's the same way in Mexico - street names that are made up or in the wrong place, missing streets, imaginary streets, etc.

First deliverly of the Millions of data points donated from Logistics Plus



Very nice job!

I also like the way you've added the ability to view your maps on top of an aerial imagery view. While I know that the aerial imagery isn't yet available under a free license, it would be really nice if OSM would add the same option on the public web page.

TopOSM US - A Progress update


I was just hoping for a quick summary of what you did, but your wiki page goes into amazing detail and is very well written and impressively put together with great diagrams.


TopOSM US - A Progress update

Your maps look pretty much fantastic! What are you using to generate your map tiles for the street data? I'd love to do something like this for Baja California.

Riverside County, CA, US

I did the same thing in San Diego but I wrote all the scripts to do bulk imports where it made sense. If you decide any of the data is appropriate for bulk imports, let me know and maybe I can help you out.