
(inactive) WarpathPeacock's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by (inactive) WarpathPeacock

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Drobná sakrální architektura v DB

I enjoyed reading this diary entry. Thank you for sharing a bit of your area.

West extremity of 43rd, with some company

Keep up the excellent work! I am happy to see folks like yourself mapping their cities. If you have any questions about how to map a certain object, are would like a second opinion, feel free to reach out.

Best, Logan McGovern

100 days of OSM

Thank you! Keep up your excellent contributions!

Experimenting with OpenStreetMap Data History Visualization using GPT-4

Can you share your methodology for working with GPT-4 to create this more intuitive representation?

步兵期刊的文章採用 OpenStreetMap 當做底圖

Thank you for sharing Supaplex.

步兵期刊的文章採用 OpenStreetMap 當做底圖

We have arrived at the uncomfortable reality where OSM is being increasingly used to help plan war operations. That this is the case attests to the data of the overall database, but this usage should make anyone uncomfortable.

Pushing the chair in

I hope you find other endeavors related to OpenStreetmap that are worth your time.

Pushing the chair in

Keep up the excellent work! thank you for your contributions to the project, Minh

HOT Community Weeknotes: 5 / 2023

Thank you for the update Pete

Yay! I made it to Advanced Mapper in 2022

No, this is worth celebrating! Keep on going! Look to map all sorts of things from roads to houses to addresses. The map is better off from your participation. Kudos!