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Илья Горбунов 123's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Илья Горбунов 123

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1228199 Илья Горбунов 123

"Сейчас там Монетка"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Рынок Березовый
POI types: amenity-marketplace
OSM data version: 2017-11-17T20:18:02Z

closed 854945 Илья Горбунов 123

Детский городок (OSM data version: 2016-12-14T16:41:03Z) #mapsme

closed 1228200 Илья Горбунов 123

"Сейчас там Мария-ра "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Холди
POI types: shop-supermarket
OSM data version: 2017-11-17T20:18:02Z

closed 674852 Илья Горбунов 123

памятник из м/ф "ну, погоди " (OSM data version: 2016-07-15T17:38:02Z) #mapsme

closed 674853 Илья Горбунов 123

памятник из м/ф "ну, погоди " (OSM data version: 2016-07-15T17:38:02Z) #mapsme

closed 674851 Илья Горбунов 123

The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground. User comments: "магазин магнит" (OSM data version: 2016-07-15T17:38:02Z) #mapsme

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