
Users' Diaries

Recent diary entries

sorry if my grammar sucks and all that I never had a good grasp on it in life. It’s been a few days since I started modeling Sweetwater so it can show up on Pokémon go when it updates their map though I’ve been aware that they might use specific versions but never hurts to model the town still, but the only issue is that no one in my town uses OSM anymore meaning I am completely alone.. a few days ago, I tried getting help which did work but not in the way I expected but hey better than nothing well all I wanted was help with buildings and all of that due to the town of Sweetwater Texas being hardly mapped (buildings wise). I tried requesting help though the notes, but it got resolved but the person gave me a website to help making it a bit faster but also giving me somewhat outdated building data.

if you’re interested in this whole thing and want to help out with the buildings or just update some information here’s the link to Sweetwater Texas

Recently while updating business information in my area, I noticed that outdated POIs would often include a defunct website. When attempting to follow the links in OSM, I was just presented with an error. That gave me the idea that I could proactively identify POIs that may need validated in person.

After some tinkering, I came up with a python script that will query OSM data for nodes with websites, then iterate over the websites to see which return errors when connecting. I started with logging these to a text file, but then realized that I could export them all to a kmz file and import them into Organic Maps. Now when I’m out and about I can launch Organic Maps to find areas that I should validate.

Screenshot of Organic Maps with pins through Amsterdam

When you select a pin, it’ll give you more details on the failure.

Screenshot of Organic Maps with one pin selected. It display the website, http error, and OSM link

While testing I noticed that there are also many sites getting errors indicating that the specific page isn’t found or that the page can be found at a new location. I believe that these can be validated without surveying, so I set up a separate mode called “armchair” mode that highlight these errors.


NOTE: This will initiate connections from your machine to whatever websites exist in OSM

To use the script, copy the below file and save it as “”. Before running I believe you’ll need to install the required packages by running the below commands in your terminal:

pip3 install simplekml
pip3 install overpy
pip3 install geopy

From there you can change that latitude, longitude, and radius. Keep in mind that a larger radius takes exponentially longer. You can commands like:

# List all websites that return a 5XX error to a text file
python3 ./ survey txt

# Generate a kmz of all websites that redirect or return 404
python3 ./ airchair kmz

# Generate both list types to both file types
python3 ./ both both


import overpy
from geopy.distance import geodesic
import requests
import datetime
import simplekml
import sys

latitude = 52.377956
longitude = 4.897070
radius = .5  # Default radius in kilometers

def check_website(url):
        response = requests.head(url, timeout=10)
        return response.status_code, response.reason
    except Exception as e:
        return None, str(e)

def get_amenities():
    api = overpy.Overpass()

    # Define bounding box
    lat_min = latitude - (radius * 0.009)
    lat_max = latitude + (radius * 0.009)
    lon_min = longitude - (radius * 0.009)
    lon_max = longitude + (radius * 0.009)

    query_str = f"""

    result = api.query(query_str)

    amenities = []

    for node in result.nodes:
        name = node.tags.get("name", "Unknown")
        amenity_type = node.tags.get("amenity", "Unknown")
        lat = float(
        lon = float(node.lon)
        website = node.tags.get("website", "N/A")
        distance = geodesic((latitude, longitude), (lat, lon)).kilometers
        osm_link = f"{}"
        if distance <= radius:
            amenities.append({"name": name, "amenity_type": amenity_type, "latitude": lat, "longitude": lon, "website": website, "distance": distance, "osm_link": osm_link})

    return amenities

def save_to_kmz(amenities_with_broken_websites, mode, timestamp):
    kml = simplekml.Kml()
    icon_url = ''  # Privacy-friendly icon URL
    for amenity in amenities_with_broken_websites:
        description = (f"<p>Website: <a href='{amenity['website']}' target='_blank'>{amenity['website']}</a></p>"
                       f"<p><a href='{amenity['osm_link']}' target='_blank'>Link to OSM</a></p>")
        placemark = kml.newpoint(name=amenity['name'],
                                  coords=[(amenity['longitude'], amenity['latitude'])]) = icon_url
    file_name = (f"Broken_Websites_{mode}_Radius_{radius}km_Lat_{latitude}_Long_{longitude}_{timestamp}.kmz")
    print(f"KMZ file saved as: {file_name}")

def save_to_txt(amenities_with_broken_websites, mode, timestamp):
    file_name = (f"Broken_Websites_{mode}_Radius_{radius}km_Lat_{latitude}_Long_{longitude}_{timestamp}.txt")
    with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
        for amenity in amenities_with_broken_websites:
            f.write(f"Name: {amenity['name']}\n")
            f.write(f"Amenity Type: {amenity['amenity_type']}\n")
            f.write(f"Latitude: {amenity['latitude']}\n")
            f.write(f"Longitude: {amenity['longitude']}\n")
            f.write(f"Website: {amenity['website']}\n")
            f.write(f"Distance: {amenity['distance']:.2f} km\n")
            f.write(f"Error: {amenity['error_message']}\n")
            f.write(f"OpenStreetMap: {amenity['osm_link']}\n")
    print(f"Text file saved as: {file_name}")

def filter_amenities(amenities):
    filtered_amenities = {"survey": [], "armchair": []}
    for amenity in amenities:
        status_code, error_message = check_website(amenity['website'])
        if not status_code or 500 <= status_code < 600:
            amenity['error_message'] = f"Status Code: {status_code}, Error: {error_message}"
        if status_code and (300 <= status_code < 400 or status_code == 404):
            amenity['error_message'] = f"Status Code: {status_code}, Error: {error_message}"
    return filtered_amenities

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: python <mode> <output>")
        print("Mode should be one of: survey, armchair, both")
        print("Output should be one of: txt, kmz, both")

    mode = sys.argv[1]
    output = sys.argv[2]
    if mode not in ["survey", "armchair", "both"]:
        print("Invalid mode. Mode should be one of: survey, armchair, both")

    if output not in ["txt", "kmz", "both"]:
        print("Invalid output. Output should be one of: txt, kmz, both")

    print(f"Searching for amenities with websites within {radius} km...")

    amenities = get_amenities()

    if amenities:
        print("\nChecking websites...")
        filtered_amenities = filter_amenities(amenities)

        timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')

        if mode in ["survey", "both"]:
            if filtered_amenities["survey"]:
                # print(f"Found {len(filtered_amenities["survey"])} broken websites")
                if output in ["kmz", "both"]:
                    save_to_kmz(filtered_amenities["survey"], "survey", timestamp)
                if output in ["txt", "both"]:
                    save_to_txt(filtered_amenities["survey"], "survey", timestamp)
                print("No amenities found with broken websites in survey mode.")

        if mode in ["armchair", "both"]:
            if filtered_amenities["armchair"]:
                # print(f"Found {len(filtered_amenities["armchair"])} broken websites")
                if output in ["kmz", "both"]:
                    save_to_kmz(filtered_amenities["armchair"], "armchair", timestamp)
                if output in ["txt", "both"]:
                    save_to_txt(filtered_amenities["armchair"], "armchair", timestamp)
                print("No amenities found with broken websites in armchair mode.")
        print("No amenities found within the specified radius or with specified website.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Compléter l’étymologie des rues d’une commune

Sujet culturel et rigolo que de retrouver facilement ce que représente le nom d’une rue. Le tag name:etymology:wikidata permet de relier un objet OSM à Wikidata où l’on retrouve les données liées du Web de l’humanité :-).


  • Extraction des rues de la commune avec Overpass
  • De nombreuses moments pour faire la correspondance entre le nom de la rue et son objet Wikidata (recherche sur le web, dans des livres, aux archives communales et départementales) ;
  • Gestion du tout avec OpenRefine. Merci Wikitech pour la mise à disposition <3
  • Mise à jour du tag name:etymology:wikidata depuis le fichier constitué à l’aide du code Yapafo. Le commentaire du changeset est explicite et accompagné du hashtag “#TagNameEtymologyWikidata

Les données étymologies sont visualisables avec le super outil Open Etymology Map de Daniele Santini.

Mise à jour du taux de complétion des adresses dans OpenStreetMap. Cet article fait suite à 2 autres ici en mai 2023 et là en septembre 2022, où je compare le nombre d’adresses par communes en Wallonie entre la source de référence des adresses (ICAR) et OSM.

En Wallonie, 1,196,551 adresses sont répertoriés dans OSM, contre 1,634,840 dans ICAR (73.2 %). On était à 64.4 % en septembre 2022 et 67.1% en mai 2023.

Voici une carte choroplète, montrant, pour chaque commune, le degré de complétion des adresses dans OSM par rapport à ICAR. Les limites de provinces sont soulignées par un trait plus gras.

carte complétion adresses mai 24

Et une carte de l’évolution des adresses depuis mai 2023.

carte évolution adresses mai 23 - mai 24

Les 10 communes où les adresses ont le plus progressé sont:

  1. Manage (+98% !)
  2. La Louvière
  3. Le Roeulx
  4. Dour
  5. Grez-Doiceau
  6. Braine-le-Comte
  7. Chastre
  8. Celles
  9. Incourt
  10. Perwez

Et les communes où les adresses sont le moins complètes sont:

  1. Ecaussines
  2. Dour
  3. Quévy
  4. Soignies
  5. Braine-le-Comte
  6. Mons
  7. Flobecq
  8. Pont-à-Celles
  9. Rebecq
  10. Ittre

À noter que dans beaucoup de communes, toutes les adresses sont complètes (par ex. Saint-Ode, fait récemment), mais que le rapport est toujours en-dessous de 100%, parce qu’ICAR affiche des numéros d’adresses pour des parcelles loties, mais non encore construites.

RDV sur cette page de discussion, sur la page du wiki import des batiments et adresses et sur cette carte pour continuer à compléter les adresses.

Location: Au Pigeon, Marbehan, Rulles, Habay, Virton, Luxembourg, Wallonie, 6724, Belgique

Example of different map styles

Let’s imagine that you’re a pizza delivery company, and you’ve got an app that shows where you are, where your customers are and where a delivery person is between the two. Obviously you need some sort of map that shows the three in context. You can’t use Google Maps for cost or other reasons, and whatever framework your using will accept raster tiles in the almost universal format https://server/Z/X/Y.png, so why not use OpenStreetMap’s standard layer? After all, it’s free!


  • It’s not free, in the sense of free laid out in the tile usage policy. That doesn’t mean that OSM doesn’t tolerate or even encourage some use of those tiles, but it does mean that you have no service level agreement - you probably won’t even get warned if your use is prevented at some point in the future.

  • It’s not a great background map. The “OSM Carto” style tries to do two things at once - it tries to provide feedback to OSM mappers and it tries to be a “nice” standalone map. Both of those make its use as a background less than ideal. To see some alternative map styles (some of which are designed as background maps) have a look at

  • It’s updated on the fly. While OpenStreetMap gets surprisingly little vandalism considering the scale and visibility of the project, it does get some; and any map that is instantly updated will show what there is until the vandalism is fixed both in both the map data and the server-side infrastructure. Your pizza delivery company probably only needs to process updates to a map layer for a small area and when new roads and new housing estates are built; perhaps once every few months or so.

So what can you do?

It’s important to remember that OpenStreetMap’s Data is still free. You’re welcome to use that, and plenty of companies are willing to help.

If you can’t afford that, and can only spare about the price of an average-sized pizza a month, you can do it yourself. Deploying a map as described on this page could cost under €10 per month. If you want to run occasional updates, that’s documented too - just run it whenever it’s convenient for you.

– Andy

(a member of the DWG, and also a maintainer of the “switch2osm” site, but writing this in an entirely personal capacity)

The screenshot at the top is from openwhatevermap - click through from there to see the details of each style and terms of use.

Location: 10.473, 13.097

Amazing Experience ……..

The open street map foundation is an international not - for - profit organization supporting, but not controlling. the OSM project. it is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data and to proving geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OSMF had quite recently Started a worldwide membership campaign with the objective of growing and diversifying OSMF membership in regions where there are very low or no OSMF members.

I am proud to say that I was part of this campaign. On the first few virtual meetups via Google meet, I had promptly signed up for the campaign Ambassadors role as I believed I could use whatever little ideas and experiences. I have learnt a lot about community.

thank you for the wonderful opportunity.

Providing updates! The OSM Wiki of the OSMF Membership Drive Campaign 2024 Plan is in the wiki:

We will also provide updates and have a space for feedback in the Community Forum using this thread:

Welcome to the seventh OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.

This week, I focused on delivering core website functionalities and website and migration script optimizations 🚤.

🔖 You can read my other development diaries here:

📖 This project is open-source and publicly available:

🛈 This initiative is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

In Case You Missed It…

OpenStreetMap-NG is planned to have its first development release at the end of this month, May. After this milestone, the project will be open for new contributors! My current work focuses on delivering on that promise, finishing the core functionalities, and stabilizing the code.

Originally posted in diary #5.5.

New Fast Rendering Engine

One of the highlights of OpenStreetMap-NG is its brand new, super fast object rendering engine. It’s a significant improvement over the current solution.

For example, rendering all of Poland (about 1500 ways) takes a mere 34ms.

To put that in perspective, the same relation on the current OpenStreetMap website takes about 1.8 seconds. That’s over 50 times faster! And the best part: zero compromises on quality - it’s the same data, just way faster - badum tss.

Here’s the visualization we’re talking about:

Support For Historical States

The new rendering pipeline also lets you see how things used to look. Want to check out a street from 5 years ago? Just hover over the version in the history view. Easy.

This feature is going to make it way easier to understand how things have changed over time. It also opens up new opportunities for rich changeset diffs visualizations in the future!

Relations Members Icons

OpenStreetMap-NG now has a bunch of icons for relation members. This makes it much easier to tell what kind of relation you’re dealing with.

These icons are from the iD project.

Page Timeout Fixes

If you’re a frequent OpenStreetMap user, you might have run into errors like this:

OSM-NG has fixed a ton of these timeout issues with improved pagination. Now everything loads smoothly, even the history of a big relation like Poland.

Refreshed Element Sidebar UI

The element sidebar has received a makeover. The new look and feel are designed for regular users, not just developers. You’ll also find it much easier to use the element versioning system.

Project Sponsors 🏅

Time for the weekly appreciation of the current project patrons. Thank you, everyone, for supporting the project, including those who starred it on GitHub! There’s no way back now 🚂.

Currently, the project is sponsored by 13 people!
Four private and four public donors on Liberapay, and five public on GitHub Sponsors.

If you can, please consider supporting the OpenStreetMap-NG development 🦀:

Donate using Liberapay



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In March 2023, I conducted a survey on women’s participation in OSM activities. It became apparent that individuals’ perspectives came into place and interpreted the survey topic differently. The survey aimed to gather perceptions, opinions, and insights into why some women do not participate in OSM activities and what factors may discourage those who were already participating from continuing. There were various reactions about the survey, from questioning the relevance of the topic to commending the effort to address it.

I was fortunate to have had support from various individuals for the topic, including Heather Leson, Arnalie Vicario, Pete Masters, Geoffrey Kateregga, and the Geochicas family, who were interested and open to exploring the topic through webinars and discussions. One such webinar featured speakers from diverse backgrounds:

  • Stellamaris Wavamunno Nakacwa, Programme Director at Youthmappers EverywhereSheMaps
  • Mikko Tamura, Community Manager at Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific
  • Jaqueline Amorim, Expert Mapper in Geostatical Data/HOT Data Quality Intern in 2022

The webinar was moderated by Dr. Prince Kwame Odame from Africa, a lecturer at the University of Education Winneba-Ghana. You can review the webinar here.

A unique aspect of the survey was that, in addition to focusing on individuals who identify as women, I also sought perspectives from men. I was pleasantly surprised by some of their positive viewpoints, although there were also negative responses. I am grateful to everyone who took the time to participate in the survey.

One key takeaway from the survey is the importance of considering diverse perspectives. Just because something may not be perceived as an issue by one person does not mean it isn’t significant to others. We all view the world through different lenses, and it’s essential to be considerate and open-minded to learn from various angles.

I appreciate your patience, and below is the summary of the survey and the full report can be read here.

Thank you all for your understanding and support.

Survey Inforgraph

Survey Inforgraph

Survey Inforgraph

Survey Inforgraph

Survey Inforgraph

Posted by FFWHol_Satoshi on 14 May 2024 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 17 May 2024.


Hydrantenplanerstellung Freiwillige Feuerwehr Holenbrunn. Ziel war eine lauffähige kostenfreie Lösung um;

  • einen “eigenen” Hydrantenplan zu erstellen (Papier/ für Hydrantenschau).
  • beim Einsatz auch ortsfremden Wehren, das Finden des “besten” Hydranten zu ermöglichen.
  • anderen Wehren die Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen und die Vorgehensweise weiterzugeben (diese Doku).

Eine weit umfassendere Info findet sich bei


  • Aufnehmen der Hydranten
  • Erstellen von Lageplan für Hydrantenschau
  • Ausreichende Genauigkeit für den Einsatz
  • Hydranten per Handy-App im Einsatz auffindbar machen
  • Keine Kosten (Verwendung von Open Source)
  • Niederschwelliger Zugang für viele Teilnehmer
  • Niederschwellige Wartbarkeit durch viele Teilnehmer
  • Kein(e) Wartungsaufwand / -kosten

Out of Scope

  • Leitungspläne
  • Koordinaten-genaue Eintragung (nicht möglich da Messungenauigkeit / Kartenmaterial)
  • RefernezID Stadt eintragen
  • 100% Erfassung (kann sein das Hydranten übersehen wurden)
  • Verifikation der gefunden Hydranten (z.B. stillgelegte Oberflurhydranten könnne nicht identifiziert werden)


Noch nicht durch lokale Wehr verifiziert, kann unvollständig sein, solle aber mindestens ~90% der vorhandenen Hydranten enhalten:

  • Hydrantenkarte Wunsiedel (unvollständig)
  • Hydrantenkarten (unvollständig): Bernstein, Biebersbach, Breitenbrunn, Göpfersgrün, Hauenreuth, Johanneszeche, Rauschensteig, Schönlind, Wintersberg, Wintersreuth, Ober-/Unterwoltersgrün, Sinatengrün
Posted by FFWHol_Satoshi on 14 May 2024 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 17 May 2024.

Setup das Verwendet wurde

Tablet mit Mobile Hotspot. Aufnahme wird bestimmt auch anders gehen. Das hier Beschriebene, war das Setup, dass gerade zur Hand war. Andere Möglichkeiten siehe OSM Info wie man Hydrandten aufnimmt.

Wie aufnehmen? [Lösung hier]

Einzelkämpfer per Fahrrad an mehreren WE Umgebung abfahren (~ 5km/h mit Aufnehmen der Hydranten).

[bessere Lösungen / Ergänzung um bessere Datenqualität zu erreichen: * Jugendfeuerwehr Aktionstag * Altvordere die alle Hydranten persönlich kennen, befragen (mit Vorgefüllter Karte) * Bei Hydrantenschau mit anlegen (online/ offline alles möglich) * Uvm …

Hydranten aufnehmen (genutzte Systeme)


  1. Openstreetmap(OSM) Account erstellen [Kartenmaterial Grundlage] ->
  2. OSMHydrant zum entspannten Eintragen [ feuerwehr-orientierte Eingabe, Hydranten, Position, Druck, Durchlaufmenge, Bilder uvm. ] OSM Account ist für OSMHydrant Voraussetzung->
  3. OpenFireMap übersichtliche Anzeige auf Desktop
  4. OSMAND Handy Applikation

Vorgehen Eintragen (Schrittbeschreibung)

[Es gibt auch die bebilderte Vollversion der folgenden Schritte, die ich hier nicht einfach abbilden kann]

  1. Finde den Hydranten

  2. Position merken (Zettel/Karte/Kopf, wenn Foto dann auch Schild)

    • Oberflur Hydrant (idealerweise BBA, BB oder CCB)

    • Unterflur Hydrant (Nur aufnehmen, wenn Schild … oder man kennt den Hydranten)

    • Löschwasserstelle (Nur mit Schild)

    • Löschwasserbehälter (Wenn möglich mit m³)

  3. OSMHydrant eintragen Mögliche Typen a. Hydrant // b. Löschwasserstelle //
    c. Löschwasserbehälter

  4. Position einzeichnen

  5. Speichern drücken

  6. Angaben eingeben

    6.1 Überflur-Hydrant -> mindestens ○ Datum ○ Art ○ Wasserquelle ○ Position

    6.2. Unterflur Hydrant mindestens a. Art b. Wasserquelle c. Position d. Durchmesser

    6.3. Löschwasserstelle a. Wenn notwendig Hinweise

    6.4. Wassertank a. Volumen m³

  7. Eingabe Speichern.
  8. OSMHydrant zeigt jetzt Eintagungen an
  9. Hier kann auch geändert werden //Vorgehen -> Wie in Karte sehen?
  10. Warten das Daten aus OSMHydrant in Openfiremap übernommen werden (Dienstag Upload-Tag … kann aber auch 2 Wochen dauern).
Posted by FFWHol_Satoshi on 14 May 2024 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 17 May 2024.

Vorgehen -> Wie auf Handy sehen?

  1. OSMAnd Google Play runterladen (es wird nur die kostenlose Basisversion gebraucht)
  2. Karten laden (Bayern etc. ) -> Offline Kartenmaterial (Begrenzete Anzahl von Uploads, idealerweise reicht einer am Ende der Kartierungskampangne)
  3. Menü -> Karte konfigurieren -> Overlay Karte -> FireHydrant [Rote Hydranten Symbole]
    -> online Update & -> bleibt dann offline da -> Mit Schieber kann zwischen Hydranten Position & Kartenbeschriftung gewechselt werden (bessere Übersichtlichkeit wenn man das Gebiet nicht kennt und Orts-/ Strassen-Namen/-Nummern braucht )

  4. [Nicht benutzt, Gelbe Hydranten-Symbole mit Eigennamenanzeige werden schnell unübersichlich] Karte konfigurieren -> POI … Hydrant
Posted by FFWHol_Satoshi on 14 May 2024 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 17 May 2024.

Tool um Lagepläne für Hydrantenschau UFH zu erstellen


/* Skript das bereits alle Typen enthält. Einstellung per Kommentar hinzu/entfernen gib die Karten/Punktelisten (alsXML) aus.

This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard. The original search was: “emergency=fire_hydrant and (fire_hydrant:type=underground or fire_hydrant:type=pillar)” */

[out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results


nwr[“emergency”=”fire_hydrant”] ({{bbox}}); // Alle Hydranten

// nwr[“emergency”=”fire_hydrant”]“fire_hydrant:type”=”underground”; // Unterflur Hydranten

// nwr[“emergency”=”fire_hydrant”]“fire_hydrant:type”=”pillar”; // Oberflur Hydranten

// nwr“emergency”=”water_tank”; // Löschwasserbehälter

// nwr“emergency”=”suction_point”; // Löschwasserentnahmestellen

); // print results out geom;


Dann in Excel aufmachen, & sortieren (XML / manueller Editor-/ xls-Magic Daten rauspulen) Unterflurhydranten [Bild] / [Liste]

Vorschlag Hydrant

ReferenzCode / Eigenname wird unterschiedlich gepflegt.

Hier mein Vorschlag, der sowohl Bauhof als auch lokale FFW glücklich macht.

(Habe keinen Kontakt zu Stadt/Bauhof) Sollte eine interne Sadbauhof-Nummern zur Wartung dranflanscht werden, ist Reference-Code der zu nutzende Eintrag.

Der hier vorgeschlagene Eigenname ist so aufgebaut, das die FFW die Info zur Hydrantenschau verwenden kann (z.B. wenn mehrere Gruppen parallel, in definierten Gebieten, mit Halbwissen unterwegs sind (Liste, Nächste Adresse -> erspart Nacharbeit) ).

Referenz Code:

[StadtwerkeID] Möglichkeit bei Hydrantenaschau direkt mit Bauhof “sprechen” zu können


[ART][LeitungDN][nächsteAddresse] Mit etwas OSM_Wissen, XML editieren & XLS Magic, können Hydrantenlisten erstellt werden.

Beispiel Eigenname: “UFH DN150 Bahnhofsstrasse2a”

Karten Infos

  • UFH DN150 Bahnhofsstrasse2a
  • UFH UnterflurHydrant
  • OFH OberflurHydrant
  • DN??? Durchmesser Speiseleitung
  • StrasseNummer [Straße ausschreiben ohne Leerzeichen Nummer dahinter]

오픈스트리트맵(OSM)에 꽤 많은 노트(note)가 붙고 있지만 제대로 살펴보는 사람이 적어서 오랫동안 방치되는 일이 많습니다.
살고 있는 지역이나 관심있는 지역에 붙는 ‘노트’ 내용을 RSS로 받아볼 수 있는 방법을 적어 보고자 합니다.
RSS 받기 봇을 쓰면 OSM에서 흔히 쓰는 ‘텔레그램’에서도 그 내용을 받아 볼 수 있습니다.

방법 1

  1. 테두리 상자 선택 연장을 엽니다.
  2. Alt 키를 누른 채로 테두리를 정하는데, 한국의 경우 시·군·구 정도나 그보다 약간 넓은 정도의 영역이어야 하는 것 같습니다.(처리하기 어려울 정도로 넓은 영역을 잡으면 에러가 납니다.)
  3. 아래 쪽 항목 가운데 맨 위 ‘API, XAPI, Maperitive, osmconvert, osmium’ 항목의 숫자를 복사해 놓습니다.
  4.,smaller_latitude,larger_longitude,larger_latitude에서 ‘smaller_longitude,smaller_latitude,larger_longitude,larger_latitude’ 부분에 그 숫자를 붙여 넣으면 RSS 주소가 완성됩니다.
  5. RSS를 읽어들일 수 있는 곳에 그 주소를 붙여 넣으면 됩니다.

방법 2(아주 간단한 방법)

OSM QA Feeds 연장을 열고 찾고자 하는 지역을 검색해 들어간 다음 테두리 상자를 조절하면 됩니다.
이 때에도 한국의 경우 시·군·구 정도의 넓이로 잡는 것이 좋습니다.

Open the OSM QA Feeds tool, search for the region you want to find, and adjust the border box.
A good rule of thumb is to make it about the size of a county. If it’s too wide, it won’t be able to process it and will throw an error.

Posted by Barroszt on 13 May 2024 in English.
  1. Introduce blocks that prevent editing in selected areas, e.g. a country, an administrative unit (editing controversial objects in the field), and not the entire world. Now I can’t improve my neighborhood due to controversial editions in Ukraine.
  2. Comments on your profile should link to a page where your changeset comments are located, not to log comments.
  3. The link to your first edits in OpenStreetMap is intended to understand the difficulties for a beginner editor.
  4. Links to apps and websites related to OpenStreetMap from main page (with map) e.g.: MapRoulette, how did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?, osm-revert.
Location: Góra Buchta, Winnica, Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 87-101, Poland

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