
westnordost's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by westnordost

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[OSMOpinion] STOP discrimination against China and Chinese mappers in OSM community

Interesting map you linked to! I compared OpenStreetMap at a random location

with it and the gov’t map seems to be… well, probably unsurprisingly… much more detailed. At least the building outlines are all there. In what way does that map use OpenStreetMap data?

Is F-Droid blocked in China?

[OSMOpinion] STOP discrimination against China and Chinese mappers in OSM community

I got here because it was mentioned in weekly OSM.

Sorry, I didn’t read the whole discussion and don’t intend to, but I have a question:

I once heard and again read it in your starting post that creating any map not produced by the government is illegal in China. I assume that you are from China and are apparently contribute to OSM anyway.

What is the reason why you contribute to OpenStreetMap? Do you think this law is outdated and/or not really applicable? Is it something like trivial offense that is not enforced anyway?

Also, is OpenStreetMap blocked in China? And if not, why not - if it is illegal to create/use maps not issued by the government, it would seem logical to block access to it.

Finally, are there any map apps in China people can use and have access to that use OpenStreetMap data? What is your personal experience with the quality of that data?

State of the Go Map!!

Actually, not that bad! :-) Cosmic has a certain ring to it.

The tendency of OSM developers to use OSM in the names of their app is strong I guess.

The internal/developer name for Vespucci is osmeditor4android. And the initial name for StreetComplete was osmagent (like, you are an agent that collects data for OSM).

State of the Go Map!!

So what was the intial name(s) for Go Map!! ?

Smoothness and MTB_Scale tags on paths

Based on the links posted by Supaplex030, work has started in StreetComplete to implement a UI for recording the smoothness information. Feel free to contribute. We are still looking for clear and representative pictures for different smoothness levels of asphalt surfaces, of sett surfaces, of paving stones surfaces and more, see

StreetComplete in Ireland: part 2

I come to a different conclusion. The increased activity coincides with certain releases of SC that made mapping either more engaging or more efficient. See this chart:

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community

Well I’d say most of the funding should also go to the one that maintains and extends it afterwards (and that won’t be me, it’s too much for one person).

As written in that ticket, it would take very roughly half a year for two people to port the app to iOS.

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community

Some statistics here:

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community

Difficult to look at that isolated. A lot of other things changed in the last year which pushed efficiency and user count of the app.

User count roughly doubled in the last year, while the number of contributions roughly quadrupled.

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community

(That was meant to be a list: 1. Funding, 2. maintainer, apparently kramdown doesn’t work)

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community


Basically, it is possible but is a very large untertaking. What is missing is * Funding * Someone willing to maintain/extend the port afterwards

Review of StreetComplete mobile app usage in the Ireland osm community

Cool, very interesting analysis!

Yeah, OpenStreetMap is very much more carried by few users (“power mappers”) with a lot of contributions than many users with each only a few contributions. This fact is not so obvious when looking at the map per se, because most of what can be seen on the map itself is traced from home, i.e. it doesn’t matter where exactly the user resides but it becomes obvious when looking at where edits are made that require the user to be on-site.

StreetComplete set out to lower the barrier for initial contribution in order to unskew that statistic a bit, but of course, there is only so much impact one app can have.

People who get the app for example but are not registered on OSM yet, for example, need to overcome the hurdle to register an account at OSM first before they can really contribute. The registration is unnecessarily tedious, especially on mobile, so a lot of users jump off before even making their first uploaded edit.

Smoothness-Ermittlung über Vibrationsmessung mit Smartphone und Fahrrad

International roughness index (IRI)

Ich bin durch Zufall noch einmal auf dieses Thema gestoßen. IRI ist ein internationaler Standard für Messung der Straßen-Unebenheit.

Gemessen wird er offenbar vor allem mit speziell ausgestatteten Autos bei denen Sensoren an der Hinterradachse befestigt sind. Allerdings wird im Wikipedia-Artikel auch erwähnt, dass man grundsätzlich auch andere Methoden verwenden kann, z.B. Messen der Erschütterung (genannt RTRRMS - Response-Type Road Roughness Measuring Systems), also letztlich deine Methode.

Diese müssten dann natürlich entsprechend kalibriert werden, damit sie möglichst die gleichen Werte ausgeben wie ein entsprechend ausgestattetes Auto. Mindestens dazu notwendig wäre, an IRI-Daten zu kommen wo man selbst quasi mit deiner App und eigenem Fahrrad hinkommt um es abzugleichen. Aber wenn man diese Daten hätte, könnte man (z.B. in der Wiki, oder auf GitHub) ein entsprechendes Verzeichnis von Kalibrationen erstellen. Wenn man diese Kalibration dann jeweils anwendet, könnte man erreichen, mehr oder weniger genau, dass deine App ICI-Daten ausspuckt. Das wäre doch ziemlich krass oder?

Hier noch ein Artikel generell zu Methoden die Oberflächenunebenheit zu messen:

Generator of vector maps from OpenStreetMap data - in browser!

I love how the tool takes into account area:highway. So this makes this officially the first renderer that heeds this tag!

OSMF survey on board priorities - a quick analysis using the Borda count.

What would be a realistic scenarios for a “takeover”, what would it consist of?

Is it possible to change the license to something like “Yeah no, contributors do not retain their copyright, copyright goes to OSMF and actually, we are changing our license to XYZ, nyah nyah!”?

OSMF survey country results

Oh, when looking at the graph, I thought that the blue line was fitted so DE would be the reference point (=neither over nor underrepresented).

Anyway, thanks for the analysis!


Sehr schön, weitermachen ;-)

I've almost developed an alternative to Keypad Mapper 3, Streetcomplete and Osmpad for adding housenumbers

sheesh, the list formatting doesn’t really work, does it? :-/

I've almost developed an alternative to Keypad Mapper 3, Streetcomplete and Osmpad for adding housenumbers

How does the app decide what is left and what is right? From current view direction (compass)? If yes, this means that the map also rotates with the compass? This might turn out to be a bit jittery.

I have a few suggestions on the interface: * When pressing < or >, does the keypad come up on fullscreen immediately? If yes, I’d suggest to have only a minimal interface with +/- buttons first (it looks like this is the case in your first screenshot) * If the +/- are to increase/decrease the housenumber that is currently being added: the +/- could show in place of the < and > buttons because those should have no function while in the process of adding a new housenumber

On the name: * Address Pad * IpswichPad * Left And Right * 3LR (look left, look right) * LRPad * Address Mapper * or if KeyPad Mapper is not taken anymore…

Entering buildings REALLY quickly in JOSM, and how to make them ready for streetcomplete housenumber tagging

This diary entry has been mentioned in the weeklyOSM 547. I for one did not know about the extrude tool, thanks for that!

A few notes: - addr:street can also be set with StreetComplete. Though of course, if you are certain which street a building belongs to, it is definitely more efficient with JOSM - There is an idea to add an even more efficient way to contribute/check housenumbers with StreetComplete: , a mockup mockup