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this1rob's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by this1rob

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 254174 this1rob

Reported and assumed correct speed limit is 30 mph.
Reported using Wisepilot map reporter
Created by

closed 254185 this1rob

Reported and assumed correct speed limit is 30 mph.
Reported using Wisepilot map reporter
Created by

closed 250847 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for closure"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252808 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for Street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252797 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 251085 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for closed"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252761 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for Street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252756 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252753 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for Street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

closed 252750 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "Test for street"

More information is available at:

Comments on this note are unlikely to be seen by the actual reporter of the error, but will be reviewed by the Scout team.

For more information about Scout, visit

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